Sunday, March 12, 2006

Maple Avenue Neighborhood Watch Notice 6/28/2006

Lock your cars at night. The Police Department has advised that autos are being broken into in order to steal the inspection sticker. Please pass this information to your neighbors! Call the police department if you see any suspicious activity.


Maple Avenue Neighborhood Watch Gazette

(May 2001 Issue)

It is interesting to see how history repeats itself.

What Happened to the MANW Gazette? (May 2001)
People have been asking "why have we not had a MANW Meeting," and "what happened to the Maple Avenue Neighborhood Watch Gazette.?" The answer is simple; when our quality of life is "acceptable," we justifiably relax, and enjoy life as much as we can. For almost two years, after our last MANW Meeting, life in Patchogue was generally satisfactory. The MANW leadership has not received enough negative feedback to warrant having a meeting. It would not be in the best interest of our membership, to call a general meeting, just to discuss menial issues. For the longest time we have not received any bad reports about the quality of life in "Our Village." Recently feedback from our membership has increased to an extent that a general meeting is now warranted. At this time, we do have a few issues that need to be brought to the attention of our village government. We also need your input, in order to gather a complete picture of the problems in out area.

Our Own Village TV station! (May 2001 Issue)
A small community in Brooksville Florida, called Cloverleaf, has their own cable TV channel. On this channel they "air" their own community related material such as, up-coming events, special occassions, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc. When the local residents simply do not want to look at TV, they just set their dial to channel 52, which is the "Town Crier TV Channel." The locals, simply love their own personal TV Channel.
In an attempt to promote a sense of family and community, in our village, I suggested to our village government, the adoption of a "Patchogue Village Cable TV Channel." A single TV channel would display pages of text, informing our residents of upcoming events, birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions, to the background of some soft music. Our village representatives have been negotiating with the cable TV Company for a long term contract. This is the ideal time to negotiate our own TV Channel, with the cable company. As it turned out, our village government did not implement my idea! The contract is signed, and we do not get our own, village cable TV channel.
I have a feeling that we may not need to bother our village government, because of "Public Access TV." If anyone would like to help, implement, or discuss this issue, please send an email to XXXX I could think of no better way to create a sense of community, and family.

Opponents Target Our Patchogue Village Code (May 2001)
In an attempt to balance the troubled village budget, certain opposition elements have suggested adding "our village code," to the "downsizing hit list." Any action against "our village code" will have the effect of undermining all of the good things that our code has done for the value of our houses, and our quality of life. We must learn from our past, or else we are doomed to repeat it. Long standing "Neighborhood Watch Members" can attest to the importance of a watchful eye in our community. While we are "fast asleep," our "code Officers," are busy patrolling our streets, maintaining our neighborhood, as we want it to be; quiet and safe. Our "Code Officers, are the cornerstone of our quality of life in Patchogue Village. "Ten years ago we did not have "a code;" I can attest to the fact that, at that time our quality of life was unacceptable. It has taken a concentrated effort, on the part of our Code Officers, and Local Government, to create and maintain, the quality of life that we now enjoy.
I have felt the pressure of having strict village code rules. Because of these rules, I go out of my way to maintain the appearance of my house, in order to conform to village regulations. As a direct result of "the inconvenience," the value of our houses has appreciated substantially, to the tune of $50,000. This makes it all worth it. "Folks," this is "real money," if you sell your house, you can put the $50,000, in the bank, you could buy a two "brand new" cars, cash, or go on a trip around the world. I like that!
In my opinion, the Patchogue Village Code is the most valuable service that we are paying for, through out village government. Without the code we have little reason to support a village government!
It is our best interest to maintain the Patchogue Village Code. To even consider any form of downsizing, is the same as using $50,000 dollars as tinder, to start your fireplace. I'm not about to do that!

"Before And After;" Contacting the Patchogue Village Code

(May 2001 Issue)
In the early days of the "Code," three cars were on duty every night; one on the southmost limits of the village, one in central Patchogue Village, and one in the north sector. The central unit had a cell phone, and this unit was called directly by the village resident, requesting the "Officer." This arrangement was just perfect; you talked to the officer as he was on his way to the complaint.
If it works, don't fix it! Our village government, tried to reduce the cost of a system that "worked well." The cell phone was removed from the "central car," and all calls were directed to the "fire dispatcher." That’s when the problems started. Many Neighborhood Watch Members experienced problems, or misunderstandings, with the dispatchers. The most recent problem was with regard to anonymity. Our members certainly fear retribution, when reporting undesirable actions. I would guess that it is difficult for a dispatcher to first deal with a life and death "fire situation," and then take a call about someone playing their radio too loud, at three AM. In contrast, the latter call could appear to be a "nuisance call."
I believe that the Fire Service should not have to deal with quality of life problems. Similar to the justification for the "cell phone law," the dispatchers should not be subjected to distraction. They are simply too important to be allowed to be distracted by quality of life calls! The village code, should immediately revert back to the "cell phone method of dispatching. Flat rate cell phone plans are now available! "Our residents deserve the best; they are paying for it!

No Wonder We Get Depressed! (May 2001 Issue)
Many ancient Asian Cultures, believe in purging the mind of impure thoughts through "meditation." This technique actually worked; for many, health was improved, and longevity was enhanced. Many of these "Ancient ways" have survived time, and now are an integral part of our modern culture.
Many of us spend four to five hours per day, watching Television. In an attempt to quantize exactly what we were putting into our "heads," I wrote down what I saw, as I scanned through all of the TV Channels. A man just "got shot," a fight "broke out" on a talk show, a cartoon character just turned into a fly, a speeding car caused an accident during a high speed chase, someone was being held hostage, a lion was eating a wilderbeast," "a killer clown" just dissolved someone, a "WWF guy" just threw someone out of the ring," I was surprised to discover that over twenty channels, were presenting programming that was less than beneficial for out mental wellbeing; that is if you believe that there is any truth to the "ancient ways."
Can a person actually subject himself to such a battery of violent and unpleasant subject matter, and remain unscaved? Is this entertainment? If this is entertainment, then why not feed a Democrat, or a Republican to the lions? That sounds like fun! The Romans did it! It appears that something is wrong with this picture! I believe that no-one could subject himself to this mantal torture, and still remain uneffected. It is a well known fact that once a person gets excited, he become five times more likely to accept what he has been exposed to. The sad part, is that we are all being brainwashed against our will, and without our knowledge.
When I was a young man, my father told me, to always "hang out," with people that I admired, because "you will become just like them." If this is a truism, then I also feel it safe to say that subjecting onesself to "angry, violent, and depressed people on TV, for five hours per day will also have a negative impact on ones wellbeing. At the very least, negative TV programming has the effect of desensitizing ones self to angry and violent behavior. Our children, who are even more impressionable than we are, should be buffered from negative programming, in order to facilitate balanced emotional growth.
In a deliberate attempt to buffer myself from the programs that have a negative impact on my emotional stature, I actually de-programmed TV stations from my TV set.
I believe that restricting access to certain types of programming would be highly beneficial to the health of our young children; especially in the formative years! Take control of what you permit your children to watch. The behavior that young children accept as normal now, will stay with them for a lifetime. May I suggest showing videos to your young children; this enables you to have control over the material that your children will be accepting. Remember, "you become just like the people that you hang out with!" I did not see anyone on the aforementioned TV programs, that I believe my children should be "hanging out with!"

Two Group Homes Slated for Taber Street (May 2001)
On Wednesday May 16th, the Patchogue Village Zoning Board of Appeals, heard testimony from a commercial enterprise called "FREE," Family Residences and Essential Enterprises. This group applied for a variance, to allow two group homes, to operate at 40 and 48, Taber Street, in Patchogue Village. About Twenty local homeowners were at that meeting to voice their opposition to granting the variance.
These two locations on Taber St, are slated for people with developmental disabilities; which include mentally retarded, and epileptic occupants. At this meeting, local residents voiced their opposition to granting the variance, on the grounds of, safety, and saturation of our area with homes of this type. Our neighbors are concerned with the possibility of increased crime, and devaluation of property in our neighborhood (see
The final decision on this issue will be made at the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting which is to be held on July xx, 2001, at the Patchogue Village Hall, 14 Baker St., Patchogue, NY. If you are concerned please attend this meeting, and "let your opinion be heard."
Many groups of homeowners in New York State, are actively fighting the "Padavan Law," which gives the State of New York, the power to put group homes at any location "they so desire." This law gives NYS the power to supercede any local law or zoning ordinance. Local code for Taber Street, calls for one family, owner occupied; the "Padavan Law," supercedes our local law, and says that it is OK to populate the two houses with 13 unrelated residents, six employees, six cars, and a truck. The locals say that there is not enough room for seven vehicles.
The local Zoning Board of Appeals, can disapprove an application for a group home, only on the grounds of safety; no other argument is acceptable. The only other argument that could be entertained is that of "Saturation" of an area with many group homes. The Padavan Law lacks a definition as to what constitutes "saturation;" so to this time no one has ever been able to defeat a group home application on the grounds of "saturation." For more info about the Padavan Law, go to, which is a search engine, and search for the words "Padavan Law."
All of the dissenting neighbors feel that these disabled people certainly deserve a home to live in, but patchogue has an excess of multiple family dwellings, that could be included in the definition for "saturation." Patchogue has more multiple family dwellings and group homes, than any of our neighboring communities.

As it turned out the Group Home is in place and we have not had any problems; they turned out to be good neighbors.

Do You Have The Worst Looking House On The Block?

(May 2001 issue)
After a long cold winter, debris collects around our property, according to "Murphy's Law." "Debris will always collect in a place that is most visible from the street!" A few weeks ago I took a close look at my property from the street. I discovered that the "junk" that I was attempting to temporarily store away, for the next "cleanup week," was plainly visible from the street. I may retain many honors, but one honor that I do not want, is to have the "sloppiest property on the block."
I now hide my debris behind my Garage! My property now looks acceptable;" "well, most of the time." I no longer retain the award for the "sloppiest property in the neighborhood." I wonder who has it now? Being a good neighbor is showing that you care.

Our Neighborhood Watch Meeting Is Scheduled

Date: Wednesday May 30,
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: Grace A.M.E. Zion Church,
on the corner of Cleveland St, and Grant Place, Patchogue, NY

We are going to ask our mayor, Ed Ihne, or his designee, to attend our meeting, in order to answer our questions, and listen to our concerns. Be sure to attend, we need your input. Everyone is welcome!

Sex Offender Notification (May 2001)
The NYS department of Criminal Justice maintains a registry of Level 3, sex offenders on the internet. You could query their database and print out information and pictures of Level 3 (high risk offenders) that live in your area. Unfortunately, because of an injunction, offenders that committed their crimes prior to 1969, do not show up in the database, as level 3 offenders. The information is available on the Internet at Additional information is available at many schools; call your local school for more information.