Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Members of the Maple Avenue Neighborhood Watch!

With the exception of a few suspicious cars, everything in our neighborhood watch area seems to be quiet. If you are having any local problems, please reply to this Email.

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How to Spend a Sunday Afternoon
Ben Vitale

I am of Italian descent but I am convinced that I must have some "Gypsy" in me; I cannot stay in one place. Every time I see a Violin I get chills up my spine! LOL! This Sunday Marie and I went to Cupsogue Beach in Westhampton.
A club called the Beach Hut operates at Cupsogue Park, at Westhampton Beach.

I just love the operation there! Entertainment is provided starting at about 4:30. This Sunday the East End Trio, provided the entertainment. I was very impressed with the lead singer; he sounded exactly like James Taylor, and Neil Diamond! Nostalgia was flying over me! Great Fun!

Food and drinks are available, There are plenty of public tables, and some people bring their own snacks. I personally try to help the Beach Hut pay for the entertainment.
What could be better... Fresh air, great music, food and drinks at Westhampton beach. We met a few great people and had a wonderful time.

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