Monday, December 31, 2007

Neighborhood Watch Group in California Makes a Difference
The article is interesting and informative.
(Click the link below)

Crime in Holbrook Gated Community
As reported by news 12, on Cable TV! Residents of the Saddle Rock gated Community in Holbrook are having big problems with crime in their private Gated Community. Drugs, Armed Robbery, and Fifteen car Break-ins, have the Entire Community in a state of turmoil.
"Tune-in" on Cable TV, to Channel 12 News, to see the entire report!

You may also be able to view this Clip on the Internet.

Many Communities on Long Island, are in denial with regard to crime. I have been told, "off of the record," that some of our neighboring communities, are having crime problems, that when compared to our local problems, make our village look like Disneyland.

Denial is the key word! Public officials are sweeping Hot Coals, under the Rug, only to have the entire Rug, go up in flames! Officials are hoping and praying that the crime will just go away; it won't. The time has come to face our problems, and follow a coarse of action that has worked for us in the past! We must again bring our constabulary up to the strength it was twelve years ago; that is Thirty Two Officers!

I as a former Auxiliary Police Officer, and Village Code Officer, can personally attest to the effectiveness of our Patchogue Village, neighborhood patrols.

We the residents of Patchogue Village should not have to go on patrol to protect our community; security issues should be handled by our local government. I have, and urge everyone in our Neighborhood Watch Area, to go on patrol, looking for potential problems, until such time our constabulary is brought up to it's former strength.

The Police Department also plays a "key role," in solving our Neighborhood Problems. Our Patchogue Village Constabulary, generally deal with "Quality of Life Issues;" but will call the Police Department as soon as a benign situation escalates into something more serious.

Along with increasing the strength of our constabulary, may I suggest the formation of a "Civilian Review Board." This Board would monitor both the Constabulary, and the Fire Dispatchers that receive and dispatch their calls. We, the Maple Avenue Neighborhood Watch, have received complaints from our membership, about both the Constabulary, and Fire Dispatchers! The constabulary is our only hope for a crime free neighborhood. We will do whatever must be done to protect our investments, houses, and Families.

Our thanks to Google, and Blogger for Hosting our site!

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