Tuesday, September 08, 2009


A Spanish Pentecostal church in Patchogue, NY, has been the victim, of what was termed “hate crimes,” on two separate occasions, within the last week. Three letters which contained hate crime material, were put on the Alter, after breaking into the church. On a separate occasion bottles and heavy objects were thrown at the church, late at night.


It was later discovered that the two despicable acts of violence, that were originally termed, Hate Crimes, against Spanish people, were perpetrated by a Spanish individual. It was reported that the alleged Spanish perpetrator, was trying to become a member of the church, and was allegedly rebuffed by its membership.


After discovering that the alleged “Hate Crimes,” were committed by a person of Spanish descent, the “crimes” were temporarily cancelled. The crimes committed by this individual, were re-defined as “Hate Crimes against a church!” Technically the perpetrator did not have a problem with the Pentecostal religion; he wanted to join them! This entire incident is nothing more than a dispute between a church and it's leadership.


Unfortunately, because of "trial by media," the residents of Patchogue are once again guilty of two “Hate Crimes;” all 12,000 of us are now expected to hang our heads in shame, for something we had nothing to do with!


We are having trouble with violations against Spanish people, because we are a community with a very large Spanish population. For a community with 45 percent of the housing units being rental units, we have done amazingly well. Somehow we have managed to provide for people that are in the lower middle income bracket, and still have a wonderful quality of life. The media has painted a picture of Patchogue, that is absolutely flawed! The international community has indeed lived together in harmony, until the criminal element decided to commit murder.


The media side-stepped an apology to Patchogue, by flaunting a $240. gift that was given to repair the damage caused by the dissident. Pentecostal churches traditionally ask for ”the first ten percent of your salary,” as a Tithe or donation. It is not uncommon for an individual of modest means to give $10,000. to their church. The perpetrator turned violent because he said that the church was asking for too much money; and his donations were not large enough.


I question the entire rational behind "Hate Crimes!" Is a person who is ready, willing, and able to indiscriminately assault and kill anyone, for no reason, less dangerous than a person who only hates "Italians?" I would give a longer jail sentence to a criminal who kills for no reason at all, as opposed to someone who has a perverted compulsion toward a single ethnic group. For the sake of pacifying Political and Ethnic Action Groups, we are literally giving the most dangerous criminals, a distinct advantage.

(Names have been intentionally omitted; we have all had more than our fair share of grief!)

“Words” are indeed the weapon of choice for most people. Unfortunately, non-participants can be made to appear as co-conspirators, simply by manipulating the text. “Words” can be made to hit their mark, every time, but are often redirected to suit a personal agenda.

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