Monday, May 16, 2011

Fireworks 2011 on the
Great South Bay

Of all of the Patchogue Community Events that I have ever attended, Just one event retains a permanent place in mind. I can recall Nine family members which include my Four Grandchildren, walking down Cedar Avenue toward the water. We ultimately found our way to the village park off of South Ocean Avenue. Everyone was reclining on blankets except my Grandchildren; they were busy tying everyone's "Glowing Necklaces" together . The glowing Necklaces were purchased from a vender, and my Grandchildren managed to convince everyone else's children to help them make a very long jump rope. The Grucci Fireworks started and everyone was enjoying the Fireworks Display, while a second feature show was also in progress at the same time. Thirty Five children were jumping rope amidst the sights and sounds of the fireworks display, using their custom designed "Glowing Jump Rope." It is events such as this that create precious memories because they include both family and community. Our village had the fireworks for about Eight Years and for some unknown reason the fireworks displays were simply discontinued. This just hurts my heart!

Last year Philip Butler from the Grucci Family applied to the Village of Patchogue, for a permit to present a Fireworks Display on the Fourth of July, from a Barge, off of Patchogue. The permit was granted and then rescinded. As a result the Fireworks display was moved to Davis Park on Fire Island. The residents of Davis Park were ecstatic, the residents of Patchogue would have preferred to have the fireworks in our home town. The entire display was paid for, not by the village of Patchogue, but by donations.

Why would I be disconcerted about not having Fireworks in Patchogue? Patchogue is an amazing community. Unlike many other communities, Patchogue takes on the persona of a quaint country village; which it is. Our village has an energy of its own and one can feel that energy at any of our many community events. And now the important part! Our children also respond to the overwhelming sense of community in our village.

Youth has a compelling need to belong to something. My father told me "son! you must be very careful to only "Hang out, with people that you admire, because you will eventually become just like your friends." It is obvious to me that the good example set forth by the community minded residents of Patchogue Village has had a positive effect on our children. Patchogue Village still enjoys a point Three Percent Crime Rate, when the national norm for a given city in America is One Hundred. This is not an accident, because our community, is also part of our extended family. Herein lies what is unique about Patchogue!

The annual Fourth of July Fireworks Display, that was re-initiated last year has the theme, "Salute to our Military." Every year we will pay homage to a different branch of our Military Service. What a wonderful idea!

Philip Butler is not a "Johnny come lately," that just decided to get involved with Patchogue Village. Philip has always been a relentless activist for Patchogue Village, our Chamber of Commerce, and the Catholic Community. You may still be waiting for Waverly Avenue to be paved, if it were not for the efforts of Philip Butler.

(Please read the following Blog Article.)

Granted that we have our differences of opinion; but I see no rational reason to let a disagreement on one issue, interfere with the resolution of a completely different issue. Hopefully we could resolve this issue, and let this years Fireworks Display go forward.

An annual Fireworks displays should be part of the "Patchogue Experience; if not for us, then for our children."

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Also! Our Thanks to the "Gang," at Blogger for designing this program!

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