Sunday, June 12, 2011

Men Can't Multitask!

My wife and I have been having fun with the premise of "Female Multitasking" for years. I always knew that my wife has the ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time; I am unable to duplicate her ability to multitask.

I have accepted my wife's ability to talk on the phone, fill out a business form, and put dishes in the dishwasher all at the same time! Could be time slicing but it's more fun to think of it as multitasking! I am uncomfortable with the Idea of performing multiple tasks at the same time. Whenever my wife asks me to consider a task while I am already in the midst of executing another task, my answer is always the same; "Men are hunters and can only focus in one thing at a time." "Ask me later!" "GGGrrr..."

Whenever my wife and I go to the supermarket, we religiously perform the same ritual; we look for a female at the checkout! Of course there are varying degrees of multitasking, and some are better than others at this task; I can always find a female at the checkout that is feeding items through the scanner, and talking to the customer at the same time!

At the supermarket, Marie and I always look for the smallest line. It is at this line where we usually find a "Female Multitasking Guru." I would guess that there are many Men who are very proficient at multitasking; then again, could it be that they prefer to watch the Baseball Game on TV? Are they smarter than they are letting on? Humm.....

This article does not represent a scientific study, but is only a collection of observations. My wife and I would love to hear your views and observations on male verses female multitasking; please publish your thoughts in the Comments Box.

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