Thursday, May 31, 2012

Start Hoarding large Sodas Now!
Ben Vitale
Mayor Bloomberg is introducing a law that prohibits the sale of sugar based Soda larger than 16 ounces, in NYC.

You will be allowed to drink "Diet Soda." Thank you so very much Mr Bloomburg! Please go to Google and look up the effects of Aspartame, the most common ingredient in diet soda. Actually, in my opinion, he should be banning Diet Soda, and allowing Sugar based Soda. I believe that Sugar based Soda is better for your health.  Who knows the law may preclude you from buying two 8 ounce sodas. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mayor tries to pass a law mandating "Balanced Meals."

Talking about stealing our civil rights, one small law at a time. No way Bloomberg!

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Actually, sugared sodas are extremely bad for you but isn't that everyone's individual choice to make? It isn't like cigarettes that affect others around you. The government is just too involved in our everyday lives and continues to infringe on our freedom to make our own decisions, good or bad!


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