Groundhog Causes Multiple Snowstorms
Ben Vitale
Groundhog Day was Feb. 2, 2015… The groundhog saw his shadowand gave us six more weeks of winter… Unfortunately something went wrong! The
groundhog was supposed to stay in his hole until spring but for some reason the
Groundhog did indeed leave his “Hole” prematurely; see the photo!
I am speculating that the fumes from my wife’s wonderful
cooking may have attracted the Groundhog, and caused him to leave his hole
prematurely! My wife was preparing a complete Italian dinner in our kitchen and
was also using the kitchen vent fan to clear smoke from a frying pan; this may
have caused the problem! I am convinced that the smell from the Italian food
saturated the outside air! What Groundhog in his right mind would stay in his
subterranean home, when scraps from a delicious Italian meal, would soon be
available in the local garbage can! LOL
I would guess that the Groundhog was indeed responsible for
three or four snowstorms that we did not need or want! After I identified the
problem I put the Groundhog in a cage and sent him to my brother in Fort
Lauderdale Florida! At this time of the year, if this Groundhog sees his
shadow, Florida will get six more weeks of lovely balmy weather! LOL
My brother will send the Groundhog back to me next winter; but I will make sure to vent the Kitchen fan on the other side of my house! LOL!
Have you seen a Groundhog on your property?
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