Sunday, March 02, 2008

Please click the link below, and read the most recent article about the Tritek mess! After reading the most recent article come back and read this article from 2008.


Presentation at Patchogue Theatre Thursday February 28, 2008.

I was delighted to see about four hundred of our neighbors present at our theatre to learn more about the new Tri-Tec Swezey's project. It appeared that everyone who attended, already knew most of the details of the project, but attended the “Information Meeting,” as if it were a social event!

Please read the Suffolk Life, and Newsday articles for technical details of the plan!
(Left click the link below),0,3837833.story

Mayor Paul Pontieri made every attempt to conceal his surprise with the number of People that attended his “Information Meeting.” After being accustomed to seeing only 30 people at the monthly Patchogue Village Board Meeting, four hundred residents must have appeared to be an army! And indeed they were an Army! A very friendly and grateful Army?

After the presentation, the dignitaries had a Question and Answer Session. The residents talked to the dignitaries, using wireless portable microphones. Of the fifty questions that were asked, only two appeared to be negative in nature. I heard a low vocal rumbling of disapproval from the audience, after one dissenter made his presentation! The audience simply was not in the mood for a naysayer!

And now "I get to tell you" about the remaining 48 questions and or statements that were made by the other Patchogue Residents. The remaining 48 queries took on the posture of the Emmy Awards. Unlike the Emmy Awards where the Actors pat themselves on the back, our Mayor and Board of Trustees received, numerous public complements from our residents.

The residents actually said “Thank You,” to the Mayor and Trustees, for doing such a great job, on this, and every other project that they have taken on. The audience applauded every time someone said something complementary, about our Politicians! Look at your TV! When is the last time you saw anyone complement a politician?

The residents and businessmen from Patchogue, are really “a class act!” The more I hear and see, the more proud I become, of our little Two Square Mile Village! It was evident that almost everyone who attended felt the same way!

There was no need to convince anyone of anything! Instead of the Informational Meeting, they should have had a party complete with a band, and served Pena Coladas at the Bar in the lobby!

Yes the meeting was informative; and we did indeed get the insight that we needed with regard to this new Village Project! And also “yes,” we should have had a big party!

(Click the arrow twice to start the Video.)

Please forward this to your neighbors in Patchogue!

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