Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thinking of Driving Through East Hampton? Think Again!
I read an article in Dan's, that was beyond belief! At first I thought that the article must be just an April Fools Joke. I then researched the article and found additional references, on the Internet.

The town of East Hampton now has an new toy; a device that can read your License Plate, as you drive by; and send the data to the Department of Motor Vehicles! A report is then sent back to the Police Car.

As it turned out, Dan Rettiner fell victim to this new toy. Dan's Car was Impounded, and he was left stranded on the sidewalk, with his wife, groceries, and Dog.

You must read Dan's article!

Decide for yourself!




We must be very careful about what we do with technology. A computer has no mercy, and cannot show discretion! If the license Plate Reader, catches a "Wanted Felon," or a person that does not have a license at all, I could understand Impounding the Car.

I do have a big problem with Impounding someones Car, because the paper work was messed-up, when purchasing a new car. My insurance agent advised me that this type of problem, is not uncommon!

So where does this leave me? My wife absolutely loves to go to East Hampton, to shop, and have Lunch or Dinner. I no longer feel comfortable, going to a town that deploys technology that cannot show discretion! I will not be going to East Hampton, in the future, until this "Awful Device, " is removed!

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