Saturday, April 05, 2008

Demonstration in Patchogue:
There was a peaceful demonstration on East Main Street today April
6, 2008. For lack of a more general term, I will say that the demonstration was an anti-war demonstration, with both pro and Con factions represented.
I did however see people carrying signs which extended the scope of this demonstration to other arenas such as Poverty, Patriotism, Troops, Pro-USA, and Imperialism. The Anti-war faction was standing under the "Navy Marines Sign," which is owned by the Military Recruiter.

The Opposing faction comprised of mostly member of our local Military Organizations, was demonstrating from a location directly under the "Army Air Force" Sign. (See photo below)

In the Video below, you could hear the Anti-war faction singing in solidarity. (Please double click the small arrow on the bottom of the video Frame, to start the Video.)

In the Video below, you could hear the passing Cars toot their horns. I would guess that the people driving by in their cars didn't fully understand what the demonstration was about. It took me Five Minutes to determine that two factions were present.

* (Double click the small Arrow in the Video Frame below to start the Video.)

So who won the demonstration? As I see it, we all won! Try having this same demonstration in Asia and see what happens to the demonstrators!
Are both groups really that different? OK! I don't think that I could find one person at that demonstration, that was eager to see some foreign army rampage through our town, stealing our goods, killing people, and violate our loved ones. Absolutely! Not one person would want this!
So we have two groups that in some ways may want the same things! The big difference is the methodology! Some are more militant, some would rather retreat and talk about pressing matters.
*In any society, there will always be opposing factions. It is the opposing factions that force a country to follow a moderate course, which usually creates "Balance."
Thank God for that Demonstration! Could you have this same demonstration in Russia? I don't think so! How about China? I don't think so! How about Cuba? No! How about parts of Africa? "Nope."
The facility to display dissent, does indeed represent the American Way!

God Bless America!

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