Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Waves Over Mascot Dock
Ben Vitale

I have this strange urge to drive around during inclement weather. As an X Boat Captain, I have this "magnetic attraction," to go down to the water when there is a storm in our area.

Don't get me wrong, I love the water; but every time I go to the water when there is a storm, I perform a ritual:

I look at the route from Davis Park to Patchogue, that I have traveled hundreds of time, when I owned my boat. I then look at the monstrous waves that come from the South West. I get on my hands and knees, and kiss the ground! With my face flushed Red with emotion, I look toward the heavens, and say; "thank God that I sold my Boat." LOL

The video below, shows the wave conditions that we had a few days ago, during a storm. After taking this video I felt this strong urge to go directly to Lombardi's on the Bay, and have a Margarita. The Margarita is symbolic! Why have I tolerated the waves and the wind for so many years, when I owned my Boat? "It's my own Damned Fault." LOL

(Left click the arrow to start the video.)

(Left click the arrow to start the video.)

(Left click the arrow to start the video.)

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Looks like fun to me too! Priscilla


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