Monday, August 27, 2012

Mosquitoes Are Everywhere!
Ben Vitale

Long Island is experiencing the worst Mosquito Infestation, in years. In Patchogue, many households are also having big problems with Mosquitoes. This year is the worst year for mosquitoes, that I have ever experienced! A two minute visit to my back yard would result in about Ten Mosquito bites; "Mosquitoes Are Everywhere!"

News Flash! Be advised that the Suffolk County Vector Control will address problems of Mosquito Infestation in abandoned Swimming Pools and Fish Ponds. Call 631 852 4270

Cleaning up locations that breed Mosquito Larva requires cooperation and involvement, of every member of our community. We must all inspect our own property for signs of Stagnant Water Pools, that will breed Mosquitoes! If every homeowner would inspect his property for Stagnant Water Pools, our infestation situation could improve. It only takes one inconsiderate neighbor to harbor enough Mosquito generating pools of stagnant water, to contaminate an entire neighborhood. So! Neighbors, we are in this together. As always, we are and have been, a family of friends; let's look out for each other!

One possible source of Mosquito Infestation has been identified on Cleveland Street, but the Village of Patchogue is powerless to take any action. A house has been abandoned, but the property has an abandoned swimming pool, and fish pond, which could breed Mosquitoes. Our Village does not have the authority to take any remedial action. The owner of an abandoned house is nowhere to be found; and the Bank who holds the Mortgage refuses to accept responsibility. I would guess that if someone dies because of West Nile Virus, their family lawyer will certainly sue both the Bank and the owner. Vector Control has been advised!

What should I look for? Mosquitoes breed in pools of stagnant water such as, abandoned Swimming Pools, Boats, Coffee Cups, abandoned Fish Ponds, Tin Cans, Flower Pot without a drain hole, and any container that could retain water. Also look for stagnant water in Flower Pot Water Catchers. I drill holes in Water Catchers, when used outdoors. look under the bushes for hidden containers. Want to know where the Mosquitoes hide; Mosquitoes hide in your lawn. Spray any commercial essential oil spray on a patch of grass on your lawn, and watch for escaping Mosquitoes. Try to be observant; even a piece of plastic could be a very good home for Mosquito Larva.

What can we do? The use of Vegetable oil has been identified as an effective way of killing Mosquito Larva. (see question Two on the link below.) I personally feel that Vegetable oil is a benign way of killing Mosquito Larva. Please check with your local health, environmental, and governmental authorities, to make sure that the use of vegetable oil is OK, for use in your location. If acceptable, Vegetable oil might be used in locations where draining the contaminated Water, is not an option. Oil may damage some materials and cause a slipping hazard, so please do not use or apply oil without seeking professional advice. Consult professionals to avoid property damage, environmental damage, and or physical damage, to people, property, and animals.

(Link for reference only :)

How to make a mosquito Spray? Instructions for making a mosquito Spray that is claimed to be non toxic, can be found on the link below. I do not personally approve of, recommend, or endorse these products. ( left click the link below.)

I am currently testing my own concoction of essential Oils to see if it can actually repel Mosquitoes. One part water, one part Vodka, Ten or Fifteen drops of Garlic Extract; add extract and look for a color change. Finally add a few drops of oil of Citronella. Do not drink this concoction!

Wow! This person says that Garlic juice will repel Mosquitoes for Four weeks!

What I do if I get a mosquito Bite! When I get a Mosquito Bite, I usually wet the affected area with Alcohol. I have no idea if this actually does any good, but it does make it feel better. I then coat the affected area with Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Stopping Gel. This works miracles, to stop the itch.

With our environment in mind it might be a good idea to buy a commercially available mosquito repellant that uses Essential Oils, instead of Deet. The chemical called Deet, is beyond a doubt the most effective Mosquito Repellant, but it may have some toxic effects, if not used in accordance with the directions on the box. Consult your Physician, local governmental, and local health agency.

Hopefully Suffolk County Vector Control will help our community. Call 631 852 4270

Neighbors, we are and have been, a "family of friends;" let's look out for each other! Police your property for Stagnant Mosquito laden pools of water.

Please feel free to forward, reproduce, or publish this article.

What is your secret formula for repelling Mosquitoes?

Are you having a mosquito problem in your area?

Mosquitoes Are Everywhere!

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Academia Molestation Syndrome Possible Solution

Ben Vitale

(This article represents the opinion of the author)

The same mechanism, that caused the molestation of young boys at Penn State is still there! If a child were to be molested tomorrow, we still have the foundation that would allow this same situation to replicate itself; different child, same problem!

In Academia, almost everyone works "At the Pleasure of," every Administrator above them. If you as an employee bring a criminal issue to the attention of your superior, you become vulnerable to retribution. It is safer to hide a criminal issue, than to report it. When an Illegal or criminal situation materializes, administrators go into self defense mode, to avoid an attack by their superiors. In Self Defense Mode the administrator would try to place the blame, for a given situation, on a subordinate employee. Most administrators are descent people, that are being forced to act in an undesirable way, by the "system."

Supervisory and administrative personnel are also victims; they too are subject to the whimsical decisions made by their superiors. Any report of an illegal or criminal act, creates a literal Chain Reaction; one report by an employee will generate scorn from 25 of his superiors. Is that not a chain Reaction? Would an Informant be eager to make his information public; I don't think so! In the case of Penn State, that is exactly what happened.

Faculty, as well as Students, Staff, and Administrators, all need legal protection against their superiors; that would empower them to safely report a criminal incident or situation. As of now, none of the above have adequate protection! Contesting retribution, by a superior, in a court of law, is not an option; because such cases can take years to be settled. A family can be thrust into financial ruin in months.

An "Informant Protection Law (IPL) is desperately needed, that would protect, Student, Staff, Faculty, and Administrator informants in Academia, from being demoted, minimized, or fired for reporting, a criminal incident or situation. This law must also authorize the formation of an "Informant Panel," that has the power to impose severe penalties, in order to protect the informant. No trial would be necessary to impose fines; only a meeting of an "independent Panel."

An edict must also be appended to the job description of every college administrator, and staff member, stating that their job is to bolster education, not to address criminal matters. Administrators as well as staff should be told to report all alleged criminal issues only to the "Informant Panel." Any violation of this edict would result in the immediate dismissal of the administrator or Staff member. A collage is not a Police Department; and administrators should not be addressing alleged illegal or criminal issues.

The horrible incidents of molestation at Penn State, happened because Administrators, and staff, did not have legal protection. If this law had been in place, the sexual assaults on the children at Penn State, may not have happened.

We are responsible for the Sanduski, incidents, because we failed to impose an "Informant Protection Law," which would have given unlimited legal and financial protection to the informant. The person who committed the crime should be prosecuted; not the Informant, or the Students.

Friday, August 03, 2012

We Need Traffic Light Countdown Timers
Ben Vitale

A Countdown Timer is a device that works like a Digital Wrist Watch. A traffic light that uses a "Countdown Timer," has four elements; a Green light, a Yellow light, a Red light, and a Countdown Timer. A Countdown Timer is a digital display that is placed below the traffic lights. As soon as a light changes, the timer displays the remaining seconds, before the traffic light changes. For example! as soon as the light turns Green, the timer displays the number 30; in one second the number 29 is displayed, in one second the number 28 is displayed. As soon as the timer reaches zero, the Yellow Light goes on. The counter again starts decrementing from Five seconds.

I am not a big fan of Stop light Cameras. I believe that these cameras create a sense of panic in many drivers, as they approach a Traffic Light Camera Intersection. Should I slow down? Should I speed up? OMG I can't afford a $300. fine! The driver behind me is already accelerating toward me; If I stop, will I get into an accident? OMG the driver behind me is tailgating my car. There is no way that I can stop now, without getting into an accident! With the current Traffic light arrangement, we are making decisions on the basis of insufficient information.

Please look at the YouTube video of a Countdown timer.

We should not be forced to make split second decisions at an intersection. I have seen many drivers accelerate through an intersection at a higher speed than normal, in order to avoid getting a ticket, at the Traffic Camera Intersection. I would be in favor of Traffic Cameras, only if all of the intersections were equipped with Count Down Timers.

Hummm! In favor of Traffic Cameras! Yep! Another Bleeding Heart liberal! "Not true," I am a moderate! The pendulum swings Two ways; I have seen Five cars arrogantly and defiantly, go through a red light at a major intersection. A Countdown Timer will allow both extremes of the Pendulum to find common ground.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Waves Over Mascot Dock
Ben Vitale

I have this strange urge to drive around during inclement weather. As an X Boat Captain, I have this "magnetic attraction," to go down to the water when there is a storm in our area.

Don't get me wrong, I love the water; but every time I go to the water when there is a storm, I perform a ritual:

I look at the route from Davis Park to Patchogue, that I have traveled hundreds of time, when I owned my boat. I then look at the monstrous waves that come from the South West. I get on my hands and knees, and kiss the ground! With my face flushed Red with emotion, I look toward the heavens, and say; "thank God that I sold my Boat." LOL

The video below, shows the wave conditions that we had a few days ago, during a storm. After taking this video I felt this strong urge to go directly to Lombardi's on the Bay, and have a Margarita. The Margarita is symbolic! Why have I tolerated the waves and the wind for so many years, when I owned my Boat? "It's my own Damned Fault." LOL

(Left click the arrow to start the video.)

(Left click the arrow to start the video.)

(Left click the arrow to start the video.)

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