Thursday, November 17, 2016

Clickbait Journalism and Fake News Sites
Ben Vitale

(This article represents the opinion of the author, and does not in any way represent the opinion of this news media site or its affiliates)

College students crying in the streets over this presidential election… Perfectly justified!
A clickbait journalist receives money from his sponsors, every time someone clicks on his headline! So… The tendency is to promise the world in the headline, and only deliver one piece of popcorn as a reward for reading his article!  Only one piece of popcorn… Frustration!

You might want to read an article written by  Madison Malone Kircher, which features a list of Fake Facebook and Social media news sites. The following list of questionable news sites was compiled by Melissa Zimdars, a communication and media professor from Merrimack College in Massachusetts.

Clickbait type headlines, that contain false information, have the same effect on an adult as holding an ice cream bar in front of a child, but just out of reach! Yes absolute frustration and damaging to his mental well-being! I see college students crying in the streets! Some see this as a weakness with this new generation; I see this as a generation that has not yet realized that they must protect themselves from Baitclick type news sites. In actuality, these sites have the effect of waging mental warfare on the readers mind! Crying in the streets… Perfectly valid after being attacked by a subliminal emotional demolition campaign! This election campaign actually made me physically and emotionally sick! Yep, I am almost as old as Moses, so emotional damage is not limited to college students! LOL!

Madison Malone Kircher, gets his news from some mainstream news sites but also advises that… “The best thing to do in our contemporary media environment is to read/watch/listen widely and often, and to be critical of the sources we share and engage with on social media.”

If you click on an online news site headline, believing that the article is about to bring the news that you have been waiting for, but are disappointed when you read it… You have just been taken as a victim to clickbait journalism! 

Kudos to both Madison Malone Kircher, and Melissa Zimdars, for an article that is so profound, that it should absolutely be read by every college student, even if they are not studying journalism!

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