Saturday, November 12, 2016

I Hope that the Democratic Party Re-groups 

Photo Credit: Google
Ben Vitale

I published parts of the following article to multiple sites, including a Democratic Party Facebook site.  I was very surprised with some of the replies that I received! Please read the following text:

I believe in a two party system! The Democrats destroyed their image by participating in a "Tabloid style” election campaign!" Study "propaganda and you will discover that it is not a good idea to allow your political party to present itself as being synonymous, with a "Tabloid." This is like demoting the CEO of a company, to a “rank and file, low paying position, in the company. 

Your publicity people should be fired! They really screwed up the election! I do not want to see our two party system, become a one party system! You as a political party have just hours to salvage the future of your party! Immediately at the speed of light, demand that Democrats stop rioting, immediately! You must "come-on" as if the world is coming to an end! Now, not later! You must show that the Democrats are human beings, not rioting criminals, who don't give a s(expletive)  for our laws, and our constitution!

I am no longer politically correct because of your Tabloid campaign, so... Your leadership is too f(expletive)  stupid to see that the boat is sinking, and too intimidated to turn on the bilge pump! A sad day for our country!

I received five replies from Democrats telling me that they do not know of any Democrat that is rioting in response to the election! They essentially said that they are descent people and absolutely will not get involved with, or condone rioting! They were surprised that Democrats are rioting! Actually the people that are rioting are being bused- in, and in some cases actually being paid to riot! This premise needs to be investigated!

I believe that the Democrats that I spoke to are indeed descent people. I really hope that the Democrats re-group and stop the rioting! If they don’t, the Democratic Party will be forever doomed! We must return to the two party system! A one party system is called a dictatorship!

I am hoping that a Democrat, in this case President Obama, will get on the TV and demand that the rioting stop immediately, because it is doing insurmountable damage! The party of peaceful academics is now flying the battle flag of violence! There is no possibility of recovery unless the Democratic Party finds a way of disassociating their traditional good name, from an army of rioting cowards!

Also published on:

DO IT! (This is the premise that defines my life!)

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