Monday, January 21, 2008

Vandalism in the Hamptons

Certain people and places are "Sacred" to me! It is impossible to say anything bad about Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, Bing Crosby, Fire Island, and Eastern Long Island! Even if you say something bad, I would smile and not hear a word that you say, by dismissing everything. After all you can't mess with things that are sacred to me!

Not a week passes, without my wife and I taking a trip to the North Fork, Montauk, Orient, East Hampton, Westhampton and wherever! Eastern Long Island is one of our favorite venues! When dealing with the many delightful Towns on Eastern Long Island, I have a tendency to perceive them through my Heart, instead of my head. My heart sees these quaint villages as sterile! Sterile from the standpoint of being free, or even immune to crime. It simply doesn't happen there! Right! Then my Brain kicks in! My Brain forces me to deal with reality! Crime in the Hamptons; it really does happen!

I was saddened to see that The towns of Easthampton, and Sag Harbor, had the same type of problem that we had last year. Storefront and Car Windows were broken by vandals. Where can we go to get away from common vandals? They are everywhere!

So what is the answer? The answer is obvious! England has been keeping this type of problem under control for years; they use Video Cameras and Recording Equipment. Some may say "Oh! Big brother is watching!" We don't want that! Actually with certain mandated restrictions, Video Servailence could be palatable to everyone. The bottom line is that the video tapes, should only be viewed, when a crime has been committed. The contents of a video tape, could only be given to the media, to locate a suspect. Stony Brook University has shown the way, by getting a video Image of a suspected robber.

We should start now and protect that which is sacred to us!

(Please click on the link, below, to view the Article.)

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If you would like to be informed of future Neighborhood Watch activities, meetings, and area problems, please send your name and Email address via the comment box described above. This information will remain confidential!

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I don't quite know what "nationalizing" the oil companies really means, but if it means the government taking over private companies, I'm against it. That sounds like socialism or communism to me. The answer is to make the supply greater than the demand. Allow companies to drill here, offshore, or in the Artic, where they belive we have oil reserves greater than those in the mid-east. Allow companies to build refineries here, so they can turn oil into useable fuel, none have been built in over 30 years. Remember, the Goverment is almost never the answer. You want to put the oil in the hands of those people who you just told us were totaly inept? I don't.


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