Saturday, May 31, 2008

Patchogue Village Code Officers May No Longer Carry Firearms as of June 1, 2008
Patchogue Village currently has about Thirteen Code Officers. Their primary function is enforcing Village Codes. Their secondary, but equally important function is to patrol our streets at night, and look for activity that looks suspicious.
The original agreement, signed with Suffolk County, which precluded Patchogue Village from having its own Police Force, was signed to prevent the County from loosing money that they had to lay out for the Suffolk County Police Infrastructure. Unfortunately this agreement, that was thought to be a good Idea at the time, eventually caused monetary problems for our village.
The lack of authorization to foster Peace Officers has caused the Patchogue Village Government's Insurance Rates, to increase to an unbearable figure. Our village officials had no other choice, but to discontinue the carrying of firearms by our Code Officers.
Mayor Paul Pontieri believes that our code can be just as effective without the firearms, because they still carry other equipment that can be used in an emergency situation. Our code officers also carry radio equipment, that transmits directly to the Police Department.
Mayor Pontieri believes that "with or without the Gun, the Code Officers should never confront a "bad guy" on the street." I agree with that, but my personal experience on the streets of Patchogue has shown that the "Bad Situations will find you, just because you are in uniform."
We have seen what can happen without our Code Officers! Now we must observe the consequences of disarming our Code Officers. Our Village can turn into an unacceptable place to live, at the speed of light.
If the act of removing the Firearms from our Public Safety Officers turns out to be a problem, we will then be forced to call upon the Suffolk County Government for a solution.

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